But check out the Web Comic Client
(Use the test account if you're not me and don't want your password on something not-lj.com. Username: test Password: test )
What it does:
* Logs you in
* Displays Total Readers (Friends)
* Displays Last Post
* Displays Full Account Name
* Accepts Latest Comic Image (either starting with http:// or adds it itself)
* Optional Title Support
* Optional Blurb Support
* Posts the Title, Image, and Blurb to the logged-in journal.
What it doesn't do, but I'm planning on:
* Read the div tags of the last post for Title and Blurb items and auto-fill those in.
* Have an option to edit previous entries (a whole nother section)
* Better Style Sheet
* Ability to post to other journals (ie, communities)
If you find bugs, please email me ibrahim@rydia.net
As for comments, criticism and suggestions, please post comments. :)
And Hope this helps something, somewhere.