Wow. Once again, LiveJournal members have shown what a powerful force you can be. On Friday, we invited you to request gift certificates to apply to, the non-profit organization where you can choose a classroom project in need of funding that's been submitted by public school teachers.
Your response has been overwhelming. A BIG thank you to all of you who spread the word about the program and who requested a gift certificate, especially those of you who are teachers yourself and had proposals to sponsor. We received thousands of requests for certificates, the majority of which came from LiveJournal members. (As of 5 p.m. today we are no longer accepting requests. If you requested a gift certificate before 5 p.m. Pacific Time and haven't received it yet, it will arrive within a day.)
We hope that many of you have had a chance to use your gift certificate and learn more about how the program works. And we hope that you'll set up a Blogger Challenge that invites your readers to go to Donors Choose and donate to a program that you support.
Six Apart is giving awards to the bloggers in the challenge who reach the most students, and we fully expect that at least some of the winners will come from LiveJournal's ranks.
We also extend a big thank you to the good folks at Donors Choose for developing such an innovative platform that makes philanthropy so easy and enjoyable. We've been honored to be involved in such a worthy cause by promoting it, helping to distribute the gift certificates and sponsoring the awards in the program.
Please let us know in the comments which projects you were moved to support. Additionally, if you created a Challenge page for yourself, feel free to link to it in comments so we can check it out.
Once again, thank you, and we'll be in touch again at the close of the Challenge to announce award winners.
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