In particular: moodthemes@lj mail should stop coming to me (I’ve just been deleting it anyway), same for dev@lj, the page should have someone else’s email address at the bottom, and I can be taken off of the LJ Staff page. (This is partially for my own sanity: You wouldn’t believe how much email I get because I have the word “hacker” by my name. I actually have written a form letter that directs distressed emailers to LJ support.)
Additionally, I think I should stop reading lj_core
What else? ... I’d like to stay on the bugzilla bugs I’m CC’d on. ... I’d love it if someone finished the RSS namespace stuff and made the RSS/Atom feeds include all of the yummy metadata that distinguishes LJ. ... If anybody likes writing C code, then logjam
I expect to continue following LJ development. I’m still fascinated by the project, still friends with bradfitz
Thanks for everything... it’s been a lot of fun.
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