Ter'angreal (guyminuslife) wrote in lj_biz,


Before I begin, if there is a better place for me to be posting this, please refer me there.

Recently, Live Journal has been edited so that communities cannot automatically add members who don't want to be added. This is a great feature. I'm with it 100%. But I don't think it goes far enough.

kkk_membership neatly gets around this problem. The user is not a community, obviously, but seems to be exploiting the Friend Of feature in LJ by adding people (such as myself) without permission for his/her infantile joke. I'm not here to complain--I realize that the way Live Journal is structured, this is a perfectly valid procedure, and that this does not violate the Live Journal ToS. However, I'm sure it's immediately obvious why I find this journal extremely annoying. I think that the system can be improved.

I propose that Live Journal users should be able to ban specific users from adding them as friends. In some senses, what kkk_membership is doing is simply exploiting a loophole that probably should have been fixed along with the optional community deal. The potential for "abuse" of this nature is virtually unlimited. It is theoretically possible for a single user to create 20 or more accounts, all with extremely lewd or offensive handles, and add hundreds, even thousands of users to their buddy lists.

Edit: I would like to add that ad hominem arguments (eg flames) are really not appropriate responses to this or any post on Live Journal. If you do not care about this issue--fine, it's not terribly high of a priority for me, either. kkk_membership does not cause me to lose sleep at night. Second-hand whining (in other words, whining about whining) is not terribly well-recieved either. If all you have to say to this is "Stop whining so much!" then I would recommend that you simply refrain from commenting. I made the mistake earlier, when I submitted this entry for posting, of assuming that everyone in here would be relatively mature in their comments--I am once more rudely awakened.

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